More on the information blackmail by the U.S Government

So here is the situation. The U.S Government (U.S State Department) is now threatening corporations with laws claims that what Wikileaks is doing is illegal. By doing so the U.S State Department is breaking due process of the U.S law as it is laid down in there constitution and law processes. So far nobody inside the U.S Government has proved that the leaking of those documents and publishing them is illegal and against any law in the U.S. This makes the U.S State Department a liars and in violation with there own main law and processes. Any company that gets contact from U.S State Department with claims that what Wikileaks is doing is illegal should require that U.S State Department proof there claims by a letter from the lawyer and until that is done refuse to work with them in any way in regards with there demands until that has been done.

I am sure that the U.S State Department is not going to call back if this types of demands are put forwards. As the fact of that matter is that U.S State Department does not hold any legal poisons in this matter. They can complain all they want in the media. But that does not changes the facts of the matter.

Now, there are also threats going on in regards to students and there future chances of getting jobs with the U.S government. According to CNN the U.S Government has forbidden students to read the U.S Embassy cables on Wikileaks.

(CNN) — U.S. agencies have warned some employees that reading the classified State Department documents released by WikiLeaks puts them at risk of losing their jobs. But what about students considering jobs with the federal government? Do they jeopardize their chances by reading WikiLeaks?


E-mails went out last week to students at several schools, including Boston University’s School of Law, Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, cautioning students against commenting on or posting links to the documents on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter.


This is copied from here (CNN).

Now this is interesting. As the U.S Embassy cables are out and have lost there security level that they had before. This types of threats are intolerable for so many reasons. The first thing is the fact people might not avoid reading the U.S Embassy cables and the second fact it that even if they read something today they might not be on there way to work with the U.S Government in next five to ten years. But what after twenty to thirty years or longer. What then ?

I also find this highly amusing.

So, can just reading about the leaked documents in the media jeopardize your chances of getting a job with the federal government?

Probably not, said McNeal. But commenting on them online or distributing them might create a pattern of behavior that raises red flags during screening for the highest levels of security clearance, which often require polygraph tests.

„I don’t think looking at them alone could hurt anyone. The problem is when you’re looking and then supporting and endorsing, then you start running into trouble. That’s where you run the risk of jeopardizing the security clearance on character grounds,“ he said.

(From the same CNN News as above)

I find this amusing because the a polygraph tests are bullshit and have always been a pile of bullshit. There is no wonder why the integrity of the U.S government is so poor when they allow this type of nonsense happening at highest levels.

As for Hillary Clinton, Secretary of U.S State Department. It is now my view that she should resign or at least apologize for the current U.S State Department violation of the U.S Law code. As the U.S State Department cannot legally claim that Wikileaks is breaking any laws.

Political blackmail continues against free information

I see in the news from BBC News that Visa has now suspended money transfer to Wikileaks. This follows the same line as Mastercard, Paypal, Amazon ,Moneybookers and more large international companies have started to do since Wikileaks started to release the U.S Embassy cables.

What is interesting about the Wikileaks case is it has exposed the political blackmail that is currently ongoing against Wikileaks. It is obvious by the reactions of the big companies that they are being blackmailed by the U.S Government and other large governments into submissions to stop trading with Wikileaks. They do this because it’s is in there best business interest with the government. Not because of some pesky principles that they sometimes claim to have.

It is a serius matter that the U.S government gets away with this in the face of the public. As they are here bypassing the founding rules of the U.S constitution and due process of the law. The U.S government has also failed to show what law Wikileaks is currently breaking by releasing the U.S Embassy cables. This means just one thing, the U.S government is breaking it’s own law and is acting in a unlawful manner. That has to stop now, and for a good reason. This is against the freedom of speech that the western countries claim to uphold. It is however clear that the western governments have forgot that with freedom of speech comes the price that your secret doing might become a public knowledge on the terms of the people, not on the government terms. This is a fact and the political system of the western world has to live with that, since anything else is just a dictatorship and nothing less.

The voters in the offending countries should protest to there governments with full strength and show no mercy as it is clear that the government is not going to show the public no mercy when it comes down to it.

Live the free world and free speech!

BBC News

Wikileaks’ Visa payments suspended (BBC News)