Lygaþvæla Robert Spencer

Mér þykir ljóst á fréttum og þeim staðreyndum sem komið hafa fram í fjölmiðlum undanfarna sólarhringa að Robert Spencer er einfaldlega að ljúga því þegar hann segir að „eitrað“ hafi verið fyrir honum á Íslandi. Mér þykir ljóst að ekkert slíkt hefur gerst og hann er einfaldlega að skálda þetta upp með hjálp frá öðrum einstaklingum til þess að afla hatursboðskap sínum fylgis á Íslandi og víðar og koma á sama tíma slæmu orði á þá sem eru að berjast gegn honum.

Ein af lygum Robert Spencer er sú að hann hélt því fram að Southern Poverty Law Center [Wikipedia] séu umdeild samtök í Bandaríkjunum, það er ekki raunin. Þetta er virt lögfræðistofa sem berst gegn hatri í Bandaríkjunum og þar á meðal ný-nasistum og öðrum haturshópum sem þar starfa. Einhverjir hafa gagnrýnt aðferðarfræðina sem þessi stofnun notar, þó er hinsvegar ljóst að hérna er umræðan farin að snúast um heimsspeki en ekki staðreyndir. Þeir sem helst gagnrýna Southern Poverty Law Center í Bandaríkjunum eru kristnir íhaldsmenn sem eru með vafasamar skoðanir á þessu sviði.

Southern Poverty Law Center hefur ýtarlegan prófil um Robert Spencer [2] og hans hatursboðskap og hvernig hann hefur starfað undanfarna áratugi. Þar er sérstaklega tekið fram að menntun hans um Íslam er í raun engin og hefur aldrei verið, þó svo að hann sé háskólamenntaður á öðrum sviðum.

Það kemur síðan lítið á óvart að hatursútvarpsstöðin Útvarp Saga skuli nota þetta mál til þess að réttlæta málflutning sinn og breiða út ennþá meira hatur. Í þetta skiptið gegn fólki sem hefur talað gegn málflutningi Útvarps Sögu á undanförnum mánuðum og reynt að stoppa af þessa útvarpsstöð (sem brýtur lög um notkun FM tíðni á Íslandi). Það er alveg ljóst að þetta er hönnuð atburðarrás hjá Robert Spencer og mig grunar að aðilar tengdir Útvarpi Sögu hafi komið þar að málum.

Það verður skrifuð sérstök grein um Valdimar Jóhannesson síðar ef tími gefst til þess hjá mér.

Fréttir af þessu

Ömurleg heimsókn til Íslands (Ví
Robert Spencer segir Íslending hafa eitrað fyrir sér (Ví
Banatilræðið á Bar Ananas: Valdimar Jóhannesson fer hamförum á Útvarpi Sögu (

Legal threats from an racist in the U.S

Do you know what I got in the email today. A legal threat, from an racist no less. I do not fear this legal threat, as this is type of behavior is quite common among those people how claim freedom of speech for them self. But once someone starts to make an counter points, or just flat out tell them that they are just plain racist. This is the response, threats and attempts to censor the critics. Any and all lawsuits against me can be nothing more then an perjury. As this man has no legal base to make his case against me and others how have been standing against his racism and human hatred. It is also well known fact that Donald E. Pauly (profile here) is under investigation for racism in Iceland, by the Icelandic Police since late January. I am going to assume that Icelandic police has or is preparing to forward this matter to the FBI. But I have already complained about this man to the FBI via legal channels. It is also worth noting that Icelandic Legal code (chapter XV. kafli. Rangur framburður og rangar sakargiftir.) does not favor his legal threats, as wrong claims or being sued on false claims can results in jail time up to 4 years, at minimum 1 year, or just plain fines for that matter.

The email threat that I got in the email now. One email address has been blanked out, as I do not got the permission to publish it. This picture is released into public domain. Anyone is free to use it anywhere for unlimited time. Just mention where you got it and my proper name. Click on the image for full size.

He has also threatened the newspaper DV with lawsuit already. People can read about it here (Icelandic). It remains to be seen if Donald E. Pauly makes good of his threats. As for my pockets. I am known to let them grow into considerable depths if I have to. But unlike Donald, I got friends how are willing to support me if its get down to it.

If Donald E. Pauly did think that this would stop me. He is wrong, this won’t stop me. I am just going to write more about him and what he is doing to fuel hatred on people. I have also contacted my hosting company and warned about him. They told me what needs to happen before I have to remove anything. It is also worth noticing that I never answer any of his emails. I just collect them in the case there is an actual lawsuit with everything that follows it (I’ve been to court before, so I know what this means in real life).

Update 1:

More legal threats in my email box.

This is the email threat that I got in the email now. One email address has been blanked out, as I do not got the permission to publish it. This picture is released into public domain. Anyone is free to use it anywhere for unlimited time. Just mention where you got it and my proper name. Click on the image for full size.

Blog post updated at 01:01 UTC on 14.02.2012.
Blog post updated at 02:22 UTC on 14.02.2012.
Blog post updated at 02:33 UTC on 14.02.2012.

The web hosting company that hosts racist material and does nothing about it

On the internet there is a lot of good stuff. But there is also a lot of bad stuff on the internet. Provided by people how thrive in hatred of others just for there own pleasure. Also on the internet there are hosting companies that provide space for this people to spread there hatred. One of this trash cans on the internet is an hosting company called (it says .com in the title of the web page, I guess that one point in time they forgot to renew there domain name). This web hosting company is hosting racist web site called (no live links). But it contains racist material in Icelandic. As it is pointed towards Icelandic people. This web site owner has already been sued in Iceland, along with its web site. More details on the web site owner of can be found here.

The hosting company in question does nothing. Except to break on those how complains about this illegal web site and forwards to complains to the racist web site owners, where he then posts the complains on his own web site. Where he has now put up the complains on a special web site, it can be found here [..]/negroes/comments/complain.htm. I was one of those people how did complain about it. Thinking that the hosting provider was an honest company. No such luck. The hosting company in question is as rotten and evil as the web site owner of the racist web site. As it forwards directly to him the complains emails that they where getting over this racist web site. Now the racist has posted my name on the web site, along with my current address and my mobile phone number (he got that from whois my domain name).

They also claims to be working on getting it down. But as you might have guessed already. Nothing happens. The consumer service center does nothing at all. In fact, all it seems to do is to forward the complains emails to the racist web site owner as I sad before. I have already complained about this web site to the FBI. But things do happen slowly in FBI land, so I expect this evil web site to be on the internet a while longer, and its owner to walk around free while that is.

I can’t afford suing this web site and its owner into oblivion, as I am poor my self. I do however not tolerate racism when I see, and I am going to do my best to stop it. Since the web site company that hosts this racist web site and does not about it. I look at that hosting company just as guilty as person who is spreading the racist material on the internet. This blog post here is to warn people about this hosting company so they can avoid doing business with it, or if it is doing business with it to move its business to an hosting company that does not support racist material on the internet.

On the terrorist attack in Norway

The tragic events that have taken place in Norway have left me sadden to know that in Europe we can still find people how can harbour that much hatred that they can take a life of a person. I offer my condoles to all the people of Norway and to the families of the victims.

It is my sole believe that all right and left extreme politics that should and need to be condemned in all shape and forms. That being sad that I must point out that right and left extreme political parties have had good success in elections in all Scandinavian countries in the last few years. The last countries where this could be seen was Finland, where a right wing extreme political party got good election and many people in the national parliament in Finland.

Sadly this is however no exception, as this has also happened in Iceland ,Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland as sad above. It is a clear that people of this countries must reject the right and left extremist ideology in what ever shape and form it comes in.

Only then, and only with that we can try to prevent a other attack in a different Scandinavian country as we just did see in Norway yesterday. Rejection of extremist is something that needs to happen. Not only in Scandinavia, but also in the world as a whole.

Blog post updated at 03:20 UTC on 24. July 2011.

Nýnasistar á Íslandi

Ég sé að Sölvi Tryggvarsson kallar nýnasista á Íslandi „þjóðernissina“. Þetta er rangnefni. Þar sem allir þeir sem tala svona eins og þetta fólk gerði er í raun ekkert nema nýnasistar. Þetta fólk er langt frá því að vera þjóðernissinnað. Þetta er fólk sem aðhyllist þær kenningar sem voru hluti af hugmyndafræði nasisma með öllum þeim afleiðingum sem það hafði í Evrópu.

Svona fólk er til skammar og þessi hugmyndafræði á ekki að líðast á Íslandi í neinu formi. Enda er alger nauðsyn að banna svona hugmyndafræði með lögum eins og gert á mörgum löndum Evrópu.

Þetta fólk í viðtalinu hjá Sölva er til háborinnar skammar og það ætti alls ekki að hleypa þessu fólki í fjölmiðla. Það er ennfremur ljóst að þetta fólk er rasistar og stundar hatur á fólki vegna litarháttar húðlitar. Útúrsnúningar þessa fólks breyta engu þar um.

Takið einnig eftir því að þetta fólk svarar ekki neinu sem Sölvu spyr þau um. Heldur snúa þau bara útúr og forðast að svara spurningu Sölva með rökum. Enda er málstaður þessa fólks fyrirfram ónýtur og hefur alltaf verið það.

Sölvu á Pressunni.

Adolf Hitler gerði margt gott (

White racist argument fail

Raists love to publish there nonsense and hatred all over the place. But there is just one thing that they cannot deal with. But that is people argument with them on the internet. If you do not agree with them and can dismantle there nonsense clearly and effective and clear manner you get a instant ban on the web site or the you tube channel.

Here is a good example of this argument fail.

As you can see, this white racist just bans everyone that she cannot make a argument with. I want to note that I have already been banned from here channel few days ago. After she lost a argument with me over this nonsense that she is using spreading on youtube.

To see the failure in action, please go here. But be warned, you can expect that the owner of the channel blocks you for making a argument that she cannot handle.