35 lagakaflar ESB sem Íslendingar þurfa að taka upp í aðildarviðræðum við ESB

Í aðildarviðræðum við ESB þurfa Íslendingar að taka upp lög ESB. Flest af þessum lögum hafa Íslendingar nú þegar tekið upp í gegnum EES samninginn. Þó eru þeir ESB lagakaflar eftir sem ekki eru hluti af EES samningum.

Þetta eru 35 lagakaflar, og hérna eru þeir samkvæmt vefsíðu ESB um aðildarviðræður.

The mandate and the framework

Following the unanimous decision of the Council to set a negotiating mandate, accession negotiations may be opened between the candidate and all the Member States. For each candidate country, the EU sets a negotiating framework, which establishes the general guidelines for the accession negotiations. Using the instrument of Accession Partnerships it also identifies the reforms and adaptations that the candidate country must undertake in order to join the European Union.

Negotiations take place between the EU Member States and candidate countries, at the level of ministers and ambassadors. They focus on the conditions and timing of the candidate’s adoption, implementation and enforcement of all the EU rules already in force. These rules (also known as „acquis“, French for „that which has been agreed“) are not negotiable. […]

The chapters of the acquis

1. Free movement of goods
2. Freedom of movement for workers
3. Right of establishment and freedom to provide services
4. Free movement of capital
5. Public procurement
6. Company law
7. Intellectual property law
8. Competition policy
9. Financial services
10. Information society and media
11. Agriculture
12. Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy
13. Fisheries
14. Transport policy
15. Energy
16. Taxation
17. Economic and monetary policy
18. Statistics
19. Social policy and employment
20. Enterprise and industrial policy
21. Trans-European Networks
22. Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments
23. Judiciary and fundamental rights
24. Justice, freedom and security
25. Science and research
26. Education and culture
27. Environment
28. Consumer and health protection
29. Customs union
30. External relations
31. Foreign, security, defence policy
32. Financial control
33. Financial + budgetary provisions
34. Institutions
35. Other issues


Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á vefsíðu ESB um stækkunarferlið.