Óbirt Icesave auglýsing á Wikileaks

Á Wikilekas er núna að finna óbirta Icesave auglýsingu þar sem Landsbankinn er auglýstur fyrir gagnsæi og traust.

Unreleased TV advertisement for the „Icesave“ scheme, produced shortly before the late 2008 Icelandic banking crisis.
The advertisement focuses, quite ironically, on the „transparency“ of the Icesave business, and from a post-crash perspective illustrates how the clean image of Iceland and its banking system was intended to be sold to world, despite what is now known to be a lack of oversight and transparency.

Hægt er að sjá auglýsinguna hérna fyrir neðan.

Icesave bank unreleased TV advertisement building on „transparency“, 2009