Utanríkismálanefnd Evrópuþings ESB um aðildarumsókn Íslands að ESB

Utanríkismálanefnd Evrópuþingsins hefur fjallað um aðildarumsókn Íslands að ESB. Þetta þýðir að næstu skref umsóknar Íslands fyrir aðild Íslands að ESB eru núna fær. Hinsvegar verður ekki ályktað um stöðu umsóknarinnar fyrr en á morgun (26. Nóvember 2009).

Það sem var samþykkt var þetta hérna.

EU membership candidates: Parliament outlines its criteria

Current and potential candidate countries must continue reforming to stay on track for eventual EU membership. Key issues such as rule of law, freedom of expression, treatment of ethnic minorities and the fight against corruption and organised crime must still be addressed, says a resolution approved by the Foreign Affairs Committee on Monday and scheduled for a plenary vote on 26 November.

Parliament’s resolution on the European Commission’s 2009 enlargement strategy for the Western Balkan countries, Iceland and Turkey, drafted by Gabriele Albertini (EPP, IT) will be debated in plenary on Wednesday afternoon and put to a plenary vote on Thursday 26 November at noon.


Um Ísland hafði utanríkismálanefnd Evrópuþingsins þetta að segja.


Finally, MEPs welcome Iceland’s July 2009 decision to join the EU. The country’s extensive alignment with EU legislation should entitle it to receive candidate status in the near future, they say.

Öll fréttatilkynning Evrópuþingsins.

EU membership candidates: Parliament outlines its criteria
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