Fullveldi Þýskalands er ekki í neinni hættu

Fullveldi Þýskalands er ekki í neinni hættu. Þrátt fyrir fullyrðingar á Íslandi og erlendis þess efnis. Þessi hamrar Páll Vilhjálmsson á í nýjustu bloggfærslu sinni og vísar þar í blogg þekkt andstæðing ESB og evrusamstarfsins. Manns að nafni Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. Á Wiki stendur þetta um hann.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (born 1957[1]) is the international business editor of the Daily Telegraph. A long-time opponent of the EU’s constitution and monetary union, he was the Telegraph’s Europe correspondent in Brussels from 1999 to 2004.

Það sem er ekki síður áhugavert er þessi hérna geðveiki sem hefur komið frá manninum.

He is the author of The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories (1997) which was published by conservative publishing firm Regnery Publishing.[2] In this book, he elaborates on assertions that the Oklahoma City bombing was an FBI sting operation that went horribly wrong, that warnings by an ATF undercover agent were ignored, and that the Justice Department subsequently engaged in a cover-up.[3]

Í umfjöllun vefsíðunar Salon.com frá árinu 1997 um þennan mann kemur þetta hérna fram.

The temptation, in addressing so manifestly absurd and error-filled a piece of work, is to raillery. In form, Evans-Pritchard’s book is a feverish concatenation of what his countryman, Guardian Washington correspondent Martin Walker, calls „the Clinton legends“ into one vast, delusional epic. In effect, „The Secret Life of Bill Clinton“ is a militiaman’s wet dream. Evans-Pritchard nowhere advocates violence against the president or the United States government, but he does provide the impressionable True Believer with a rationale. Publishing this book is the moral equivalent of leaving a loaded revolver in a psychiatric ward. And that, perhaps, requires an approach other than satire.

Accompanied by pseudo-scholarly „documentation,“ Evans-Pritchard’s disarmingly glib narrative essentially portrays the president as a criminal psychopath. There is no evidence so contrary, nor tragedy so solemn that Evans-Pritchard will not distort it to this end.

The Pied Piper O F T H E C L I N T O N C O N S P I R A C I S T S

Þegar ESB andstæðingar á Íslandi eru farnir að vitna í jafn mikla rugludalla og þarna er raunin. Þá er orðið augljóst að þeir eru búnir að tapa rökræðunum og vel það.