Why Facebook is broken and going broke

If you ever wondered why Facebook stock is going down. It might be down to the fact Facebook behavior to it’s users is like the behavior of the guy how did create it towards people, like a asshole (according to the movie Social Network). It behaves towards it’s users in the same manners more or less. So when you get odd messages like this one from Facebook, remember. The guy how founded Facebook is most likely an asshole. Behind shady set of rules on Facebook. It is clear that Facebook is the most un-user friendly social web page out there. Not only limits it’s friend possibly to 5000 friends. But it also treats it’s users as they are all idiots who do not know what they are doing.

That includes messages like this from Facebook when posting on public statues. You also get similar message when you add some people on Facebook and you do not share any friends with them at all. Both of these can get one suspended off Facebook permanently. Facebook staff also do not have to give you any reason to suspend you. The idea that Facebook users have any say what happens there is just an illusion at best. Total lie at worst. I am going with the second option.

Picture of Facebook messages. This picture is released under Creative Commons Licence.

My best advice is that people backup there Facebook profiles. As one day they might find them self suspended or banned off Facebook. With no way to return back to Facebook.