Facebook filter bubble, part 1

I have had it with Facebook filter bubble. If I see a picture that I see the need to comment on. I am going to try and do so. But the most chance is that I am going to be meat with this type of announcement from Facebook. This is something that I have covered before on this blog. But Facebook has just become it’s own worst enemy. I do not know for how long this type of behavior is going to work for Facebook. But the time period for that cannot be long when it comes down to it.

Facebook filter bubble in full action.

My comment was not spam. I just pointed the crazy vegetarian that human body needs it’s proteins that come with eating meat, fish. I also pointed out that human beings, by nature are omnivorous. Not vegetarian only. But based on Facebook algorithms. Since my comment was of opposing point, it was classified as spam. What is more. Facebook threatens to disable my ability to comment permanently if I post my comment on this image. It is my solid believe that Facebook is going to go under in the next few years. You know why ? Because Facebook is censoring it’s using by claiming comment being spam if they disagree with the posters point of view. Whatever that might be. This is no way to treat users. The trend has already started. But Facebook started losing users two years ago. I doubt that Facebook is going to stop losing users any time soon.

But while I am on Facebook. I am going to document Facebook „spam filter“ in action.