The solution to the sovereign debt problem in Europe and world wide

There is a simple solution to the sovereign debt problem that is now troubling few nations in the Eurozone and world wide. This solution is quite simple and exist quite easy. The solution is that the debt problem nations start to pay off there debt in time and with a plan. They limit or stop borrowing money and start paying off the debt with the income the nations already have.

This means short term cut in service and like that on public level. With with proper planning that should not last no more then 10 years or less, depending on the amount of debt in question.

But there is also the problem with investors that have played the cards in such a way that they make a profit if everything goes to hell in the world economy. Those parties needs to be found and stopped before they make any more damage to the world economy.

Schengen crime wave is an myth put up by populist extremist

One of the arguments that DF did out forward for putting up new border checks in Denmark is to stop the crime wave that has been taking place in Denmark after an eastern Europe countries joined the EU and later Schengen agreement.

This crime waver is an myth in Denmark as it is in the United Kingdom (not in Schengen by the way). But an study conducted in the year 2008 by the UK police. What happens to be an myth in one place also happens to be an myth in other places too. So it an save bet that DF claims are nothing but an hogwash and lies. Something that the danish media should have spotted an long time ago.

This discussions and claims have also been going on in Iceland for the past months. The same myths have been claimed, along with the same lies. But the interesting fact here in Iceland is that even with many foreign criminals in icelandic jails, they only make up 22% of the total prison population. The rest, the 78% are Icelandic criminals. That number had risen from 8% since the year 2001. But that has nothing to do with Schengen, but the fact that in the year 2004 and 2007 many countries did join EU and many more people where added to the area that allowed free people movement inside Europe. Sadly, I do not know the statics for Denmark jails in this regards, my danish is not that good yet.

This has nothing to do with Schengen, but it is popular by the populist extremist in the politics to cast the blame in Schengen agreement. As it is easy to blame, and nobody seems to check there claims to see if they are actually true of not. That is why the DF gets away with telling lies in the Danish media as it has done so for an long time now.

Migrant crime wave a myth – police study (Guardian UK, 2008)
22 prósent fanga erlendir ríkisborgarar (Icelandic, 2011)

The Telegraph is publishing nonsense news about the euro again

I can see that The Telegraph is once again posting bullshit news about the euro again. It does not seem to matter to them how often they get it wrong about the euro. They must keep publishing the same nonsense about the euro over and over again.

The evident of how wrong The Telegraph is about this if there news over the past years are checked. Here is an small example.

Euro stands just 20pc chance of survival in next decade (January, 2011)
How the euro crisis end game might look (May, 2011)
They can try to ‘delay and pray’ but the euro is running out of time (2010)
Germany and France examine ‘two-tier’ euro (2010)
Euro ‘will be dead in five years’ (2010)
Whatever Germany does, the euro as we know it is dead (2010)

When you have greedy idiot bastards running an newspaper. This is what you get. A scaremongering news paper that does not care about the truth one bit. The fact is quite simple, the euro and the eurozone is not going to go anywhere soon.

I guess the reporters at The Telegraph have not noticed. But there has been seeds laid down for major crises with the British pound in the future. When that might happen is hard to say for sure, but the chances are greater then 50% for the next 10 years.

But when you are an in the business of scaremongering, it is always easier to point at the problems of others then the problems at home. But whenever this pound crises starts. It is going to be rather hard and bad crises for the UK as an whole. I wonder what they are going say at The Telegraph when that times comes.

EU ministers should avoid the dangers of right and left extremist politics in Europe

Tonight is a sad night I reckon. Not only have EU minsters dedicated to suspend too a degree the Schengen agreement due to a refugee problem (so claimed) in Europe. This problem is over inflated by extremist politicians (too the right or left) how want to gain popularity by pointing out issues that are not there to begin with.

While that it is true that refugees that come to Europe have to be dealt with. This is the wrong way to do so and has always been. As it does not solve the issue on how to get refugees properly housed in Europe or integrated into Europe culture if they wish to remain in Europe. All that imposing border controls in Europe does is to punish citizen of EU member states and the Schengen states outside of EU (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland). It is also worth noticing that in size of the population, refugees into Europe is still a small number.

The root of this issue is the growing popularity of right wing extremist in politics and also growing left wing extremism in politics. It is a fact that Europe has a extremely bad lessons from giving into the demands of the extremist, as they are just into it for there own gains. Euro-sceptics should not be listen too, as they long for the old days of war in Europe.

No political party in Europe should take part in what the extreme political parties to the left or right are going for. It is also clear that public in Europe should and needs to refuse the ideas that this extreme political parties offer. As in the long term such direction is only going to hurt the population and is not going to solve the refugee issue. Closing down the border is not going to solve that issue at all. It is only going to make it more complex and harder to deal with in the long term.

Populist politicians are short sighted and generally dumb. But they are generally found on the extreme arm of the political spectrum. They should always be refused any power for any reason at all. When this type of people get into power the results are always and always will be a disaster. As is proven today when moderate political parties try to follow the damaging and dangerous path of extremist political parties, in order to gain popularity with in there own countries.

Schengen agreement and its implementation must not be sacrificed on a short sighted mission to solve a temporary (5 to 10 years) problem that has appeared in Europe (refugees from northern Africa). Doing so is against EU ideas and what Europe has been working for for the past 59 years.

Blog post updated at 03:02 CEST on 13. May 2011. Title of blog post fixed.

The silliness of EU opponents in the UK

I am reading two UK right wing news web sites (The UFO hunting Daily Express and The Telegraph) that are opponents of the EU project that has been ongoing in Europe since World War two. But the whole purpose of the European Union is to prevent wars in Europe. But this is history that all people should know. But it is clear that EU opponents do not know the history of why the EU exist. Somebody should tell them once for a change.

Here is the good case of how EU opponents are silly. The crazy people at the news paper called Daily Express want UK out of the EU. But far as I can tell they make no good argument for why UK should leave the EU. But if Daily Express is success in this matter and get a referendum on this issue in the UK. I just hope that they enjoy the customs (on all UK import and export) and all the paperwork that follows for the UK citizens that live in other countries in Europe. Issues like working permit, permit to stay in the country that they are moving or working in. The downturn that follows that would also be interesting to watch, as the economics would fall due to all the problems doing business with the UK following if they withdraw from the EU single market. But I am sure that they people at Daily Express did not think about this issues, as they don’t seem to think at all. It is also that UK opted to stay in the EU in the year 1976 when there was a referendum on this matter in the UK. But this people don’t care about such matters, as they don’t know any history at all.

GET BRITAIN OUT OF THE EU NOW (Warning, Daily Express)

The other person that I want to speak about and that also want UK out of the EU is a guy named Norman Tebbit. He opposes EU because if has forbidden a discrimination against women in the car insurance business.

To quote Norman Tebbit.


The European Court has now ruled that when insurers are setting premiums they must not take into account that women drivers generally make fewer claims than men, or that men generally do not live as long as women. Facts, the court concluded, should not be allowed to interfere with its quasi-religious belief that men and women must be given the same treatment even when that would be inequitable.


This are his own words and what a words they are. I am not sure what century what this man lives in, but I am sure that is not the 21st century. But this doesn’t stop there for Norman Tebbit.


If we were a free and independent country, we could put right such a piece of silliness with a short Bill and have it through Parliament in no time at all. Nothing so underlines the position in which we now find ourselves as the fact that we are unable to do so. Instead we just have to put up with listening to Baroness Ashton, a member of an unelected government which we cannot sack, lecturing the Libyans about the vitues of having a free and democratic government.


So if they UK where not in the EU he would eliminate women equal rights and other such things. It is also interesting to see the claim that the UK is not a free country. When on earth did that happen ? What is going on there is a man how is a extremist conservative. How sees nothing wrong with putting the population of the UK (and everywhere else) worse off if it fits his own world view.

The rest of the silly opinion of Norman Tebbit here, If we were really a free country we’d be able to put right the EU’s latest silliness (The Telegraph)

By the way, Margaret Thatcher was a rubbish politician that had rubbish politics when she was running the government in the UK. I suspect that Norman Tebbit is a rubbish politician given the nonsense that is coming from him.

But it is also my opinion that EU opponents generally don’t care about nothing but making profit to put into there own pockets.

3rd Africa-EU Summit

The 3rd Africa-EU Summit takes place in Libya on 29-30 November 2010. Under the overarching theme of „Investment, Economic Growth and Job Creation“, Heads of States and Governments will address key issues, like peace and security, climate change, regional integration and private sector development, infrastructure and energy, agriculture and food security, migration.