The power to change!

Today the European Union produces a sixth of its electricity using renewable energy sources like wind, solar and hydro power. But that proportion will have to more than double over the coming decade if the EU is to keep its promise of tackling climate change by ensuring that 20 percent of our energy comes from renewable sources by 2020. This film, shot in Germany, Denmark and Spain looks at a number of projects supported by the EU’s Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, which are designed to help the Union meet this ambitious target.

The Dollar vs The Euro

Tom Campbell, Dean of UC-Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, discusses the weakened U.S. Dollar’s relationship to the E.U.’s Euro.


The Annual Bank of America Walter E. Hoadley Economic Forecast with Tom Campbell.

As we enter 2008 with a volatile stock market and a real estate crisis, what’s essential to know about the economy for the year ahead? Former member of Congress and Haas Business School Dean Campbell helps us navigate uncertain economic waters in the annual forecast – The Commonwealth Club of California

Tom Campbell is the thirteenth dean of the Haas School of Business, a position he has held since August 2002. He formerly held positions of US Congressman, California State Senator, Stanford University law professor, and, recently, California’s Director of Finance.

In December 2004, Dean Campbell took a one-year leave of absence from the school after being appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to be director of the California Department of Finance. He returned as dean of the Haas School in November 2005.

Prior to joining the Haas School in 2002, Dean Campbell was a law professor at Stanford University Law School for 19 years, beginning in 1983. He was elected five times to represent the Silicon Valley area of California in the United States Congress. Among his legislative achievements were authorship of the 1998 Food Bank Relief Act and the 2000 Peace Corps Reauthorization Act.

Campbell also was elected as a California state senator in 1993. During a two-year term, he earned ratings by the Sacramento-based „California Journal“ as the most ethical state senator, the best overall senator and the state Senate’s best problem solver.

Evrópa ögrar andstæðingum

Í nýlegri frétt Newsweek er tekið saman hvernig Evrópusambandið hefur staðið af sér kreppuna, og spádóma andstæðinga ESB um hrun þess. Það hefur komið í ljós eftir þessa kreppu að ESB er sterkara, og hefur staðið kreppuna betur af sér en flestir gerðu ráð fyrir.

Hérna er fréttin og tilvitnun í hana.

Europe Defies the Skeptics
How crisis will make the EU stronger.

just six months ago, the media were rife with predictions about the collapse of the European Union and its currency in the wake of the economic crisis. Credit agencies issued downgrades or downgrade warnings for countries like Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Greece. Even more serious debt crises were expected in Central and Eastern Europe. With the euro dropping against the dollar by 5 percent per month, some expected governments to abandon it. Others warned in dire tones of a looming European trade war. And many expected that the economic turmoil would kill hopes of finally enacting the Treaty of Lisbon (a.k.a. the EU Constitution), or at least sapping the will of European citizens to cooperate on common policies such as defense, energy, and enlargement. One conservative American publication called it „the worst crisis of Europe’s 50-year history“; a European establishment magazine warned of Europe’s „breakup.“

Today, it’s clear that the crisis has renewed European solidarity and seriousness of purpose. Europe is stronger than ever. What explains the quiet turnaround? The leading nations of Europe did not lose their nerve, and they did not work only to protect themselves, as many pundits predicted. Instead, they rushed to save their neighbors. In monetary policy, small nations realized that they lack the capacity to act as a credible lender of last resort for domestic banking systems that conduct many of their transactions in foreign currencies. Large nations, Germany in particular, realized that their banks, investors, and exporters would take a catastrophic hit if smaller neighbors went belly up. So the European Central Bank responded by pouring money into euro-zone banking systems. The Stability and Growth Pact, which restricts public spending, was relaxed to permit governments to recapitalize their banks. And in an unheralded and entirely informal expansion of EU responsibility, perhaps the largest since the 1999 launch of the euro, the central bank accepted responsibility for stabilizing EU countries outside the euro zone—those that still use their own currencies. It extended guarantees and swaps to assist efforts to stabilize financial systems that otherwise might have been forced to impose a punishing interest-rate hike or devaluation. The most striking example was the bailout of Latvia, managed jointly by the IMF and the EU.


If anything, the crisis is boosting the European project. Irish opposition to the Treaty of Lisbon, which will create a president of the EU and otherwise strengthen its institutions, has crumbled. Declan Ganley, leader of the forces that stopped the progress of the treaty cold in the Irish referendum last year, staked his political future on a run for the European Parliament and lost. He has promised to retire, and a June 5 poll shows the Irish are now set to approve the treaty 54 percent to 28 percent when they vote again in October. That removes the last major obstacle to passage of the treaty, a document not all that different from the previously thwarted „constitution“ to create a stronger Europe.

Having shown that membership offers protection from a crisis, the EU is more attractive than ever. It is likely soon to total 30 members, up from 27 today, with more in line. Iceland, the first nation to go bankrupt in the credit crunch, recently applied. Even self-sufficient Switzerland is said to be showing some interest in membership. The crisis also taught many governments that if they want to be players in international finance, they need to join the euro rather than defend national currencies against global market forces with weaker national policy instruments. Poland recently reiterated its commitment to adopt the euro, and public opinion is shifting in favor of the currency in Denmark and Sweden.


Ég hvet alla til þess að lesa þessa grein að fullu. Það sem þarna er tekið fyrir er mikilvægt í umræðunni um ESB og hugsanlega aðild Íslands að Evrópusambandinu, og upptöku evru í kjölfarið á aðild.

Helstu goðsagnir og lygar um Evrópusambandið

Það er mörgu haldið fram um Evrópusambandið á Íslandi þessa dagana. Fullyrðinganar um ESB eru misjafnar að gæðum, og misjafnlega réttar. Það er hinsvegar einn hópur sem sker sig úr í umræðunni um Evrópusambandið, en það eru andstæðingar Evrópusambandsins. Þær fullyrðingar sem þar er komið með eru ekkert nema goðsagnir um Evrópusambandsins, eða þeir einfaldlega ljúga einhverju um Evrópusambandið á staðnum, og vita það fullvel að þeir eru að ljúga.

Sem betur fer er til listi yfir helstu goðsagnir Evrópusambandsins. Ef þú hefur heyrt eitthvað um Evrópusambandið og það er á þessum listum, þá er það goðsögn. Það er einnig góð regla að kanna málið með google, til þess að komast að því hvort að viðkomandi fullyrðing um Evrópusambandið sé rétt, eða bara uppspuni andstæðinga Evrópusambandsins.

Common EU myths
EU budget myths
Euromyths – Keyword index

[Uppfært kukkan 05:17 þann 28 Júlí 2009. Texti lagaður örlítið.]

Informing consumers
Fish, molluscs, and crustaceans are a healthy source of dietary protein. However, consumers want more complete and understandable information about these products, more than 65% of which are currently imported.

Beaware of this Icelandic-English anti-EU blog

There is a blog, run by a ultra-right man named Hjörtur. This man is doesn’t like foreign people (he created a political party named Flokkur Framfarasinna in 2001, it failed, there website archive can be found here), but he mostly doesn’t like the EU. His reasons are the made up, and often based on pure paranoia, lies and ignorance about the EU.

This english blog of Hjörtur is representative views of a minority in Iceland, that doesn’t like foreigners, it is the xenophobic part of Icelandic population. Daniel Hannan is a ultra-right EMP from UK, he appears to be friend or close partnership with Hjörtur, he points to this blog of Hjörturs from his own blog.

Hjörtur claims this on his blog.

Want to know what is happening in the debate in Iceland on whether to join the European Union or not? The ‘EU News From Iceland’ blog reports just that. Although the blog is not neutral it seeks to approach the issue with fairness.

This is nothing but utter nonsense. He has no interest in being far in the EU debate, his main objective is to spread fear based on propaganda made up by ultra-right, and the ultra-left sides on the political spectrum. There is also the issue about criticism, witch Hjörtur does not allow on his blog. He also does this on his Icelandic blog. No criticism allowed. But when you speak bullshit and you know about it, this is the way to go.

It is worth noticing that Daniel Hannan has had it wrong about Icelandic people and the EU for quite some time now. His forecast about Icelandic people not wanting to join the EU are wrong (polls on the matter are clear on that). His forecast once was that the Iceland would not apply for EU membership, few days ago, this was proven wrong.

Since the accession treaty of Iceland with EU (expected 2011 – 2012) will come with the proof that the anti-EU people in Iceland are wrong, and that there coming campaign is based on lies and fear. However, the treaty needs to be good and respect the needs of Iceland in the EU. Like EU respected the needs of Malta when they did join back in 2004.

But be aware of this anti-EU Icelandic blog, it is up to no good. The day that Iceland did approve to apply for a EU membership was a good day, not just for me (I am a pro-EU), but for all the people in Iceland. This also is a good way to a recovery in the economics in Iceland, but it has suffered a lack of trust since the bank collapse in October 2008. I am not surprised one bit about that.

Involving all the parties
Today, fishermen apply the measures that the Council of Ministers adopts. They thus tend to submit to them; they do not feel personally involved in and accountable for the management of marine resources.

Simplifying implementation and decision making
The common fisheries policy is set by the Council of Ministers down to the tiniest details. Its rules are becoming complex, costly, and not always attuned to the places where they must be enforced.

Gömul grein sem er þess virði að minnast á

Í látunum síðasta haust týndist margt í umræðunni. Þar á meðal þessi grein. Þar kemur fram að framtíð Íslands er í ESB, ekki bara að efnahagslegum ástæðum. Þó svo að þær hjálpi til við að gera efnahag Íslands stöðugri og lækka verðlag.

Þarna kemur meðal annars þetta hérna fram.

Although membership of the EU and the euro area cannot be achieved in the very short run, announcing an intention to enter the process of applying for membership would have an immediate stabilising benefit for the Icelandic economy. In addition, the anchor of medium-term entry into the EMU would enable the Icelandic central bank to pursue a managed float system during the transition period in an environment in which it need not prove its capacity to independently deliver a long-term nominal anchor for the Icelandic economy.

Sjá nánar hérna.

Iceland: The future is in the EU (6 Nóvember 2008)