SMS skilaboð fyrrverandi eigenda og stjórenda Kaupþings eftir efnahagshrunið á Wikilekas

Wikileaks hefur birt SMS skilboð fyrrverandi stjórnenda Kaupþings í Janúar og fram í Júní 2009. Þarna eru upplýsingar sem benda er alvarlegra brota á íslenskum hegningarlögum, og brot á góðum viðskiptaháttum.

Wikileaks vefsíðan.

SMS messages to former Kaupthing owner Finnur Ingólfsson, 2009

[Uppfært klukkan 20:22 þann 4. Desember 2009. Villa leiðrétt í textanum. Titill lagaður.]

Minnismiði ASÍ ratar á Wikileaks

Minnismiði frá ASÍ hefur ratað á vefsíðuna Wikileaks. Þessi nóta er frá 9. September 2009 og kemur inná þá fjármálalausn sem boðið hefur verið uppá í lögum undanfarið.

Hérna er útdrátturinn.

Released November 4, 2009

The PDF file presents a memo from the head of the economic office of ASI, the Icelandic Federation of Labour. It is dated 9th of September 2009 and is marked „Agenda Item 2“.

The memo shows that ASÍ was one of the architects of the Icelandic governments „solution“ to the home loan crisis in Iceland. That solution has been shown to be designed for the banks to protect their interests first and foremost instead of giving the public a fair resolution to a problem that the banks in fact created.

The source states the document exposes the clandestine unhealthy colaboration between the financial sector and Icelands Labour Party Leaders: „The new law is one sided in the sense that debtors were not consulted in any way shape or form. The government claimed that they wrote the proposals when in fact they were engineered at and the banks. The plans were not created to help the public but to rob them of their home assets. The Governments „solution“ has been passed as law and plans are underway to implement the law. People are required to opt out of the plan instead of requiring opt in. This is by most standards unethical but it is important that people know about this document to take an informed decicion about the plan.“
Ólafur Darri Andrason and Gylfi Arnbjörnsson of ASÍ can be contacted for further comment.

Hægt er að skoða nótuna hérna á vefsíðu Wikileaks.

Icelandic ASÍ memo proposes alleged solution of home loan payments for „regular people“, 9 Sep 2009