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Rannsóknin um þessa meintu krabbameins hættu er gjörsamlega gölluð og hefur þessi rannsókn hvorki verið birt í vísindariti eða verið rýnt í hana af öðrum vísindamönnum.

Hérna er smá úr bloggi sem útskýrir þetta ágætlega.

Currently being peer-reviewed? This means this paper is unpublished and merely submitted for review. Further, it’s a very strange move to take a paper that is being considered for publication to put it into the public domain. This means that it’s either been rejected from wherever was supposed to take it, or the author doesn’t realize this will likely sabotage its chances of being published. I simply don’t understand this move. Dr. Khurana appears to be a legitimate scientist, but that doesn’t make this any less inappropriate a method of publishing such a result. Since he hasn’t gone through proper peer-review channels before making this article available I think this means it’s fair game for me to criticize, and there’s plenty of room for that.

For one, he has an entire section on „Popular Press and the Internet“ which consists of anecdotal reports of cancer clusters in the press, crank websites repeating false claims about cell phones and second-hand reporting on scientific articles. This is hardly a scientific approach to epidemiology or risk assessment, and should be dismissed out of hand as unworthy of discussion in a scientific paper. A review of the literature does not include citations of „www.EMF-Health.com“, no kidding, this is one of the sources he mentions. A website that sells the Q-link, a quack remedy for a nonexistent malady!

Restina af þessu bloggi er hægt að lesa hérna. Morgunblaðið ætti að biðjast afsökunar á því að hafa birt þessa rusl frétt. Nóg er ruglið í fjölmiðlum í dag.

Tengist frétt: Farsímar hættulegri en reykingar